
Wednesday, 23 October 2013


I have been feeling very Autumnal (I am in love with this word, discovered this weekend) at the moment. And I don't think I've ever been 'exited' for Autumn. Its always the time where I look forward to my birthday and realise how close Christmas is (NEARLY 2 MONTHS JUST TO LET YOU KNOW!!!) But this year is different somehow, I never regard Autumn as one of those months where I'm looking forward to the change of weather. It's normally either the sun in the Summer or the snow in the Winter, and Autumn and Spring get seriously ignored, sorry guys... 

This year I am so looking forward for the temperature to drop, leaves start turning into rich shades of red, orange, yellow and brown, start layering up, bringing out the winter-wear and just being warm and cosy. I think this want has been born from the long heat wave we had this Summer. By the end of it I was sick of constant sunshine and temperature in the high 20's if not higher. I feel like its about time Winter comes around the corner. 

Its pretty sad really that I'm actually exited to layer up, get some new knitwear and experiment with new styles. For some reason I'm starting to find my self getting obsessed with knitted jumpers with some sort of shirt underneath with a colour that contrasts the colour of the jumper. It's a look that's grown on me substantially within the last week or so. 

There's quite a few things I have to look forward to over the next few weeks leading through the Autumnal period, quite a few things I want to do and accomplish and also a sneaky little wishlist to update my Autumn/Winter wardrobe (if there's any room left that is...)
Over the next couple of weeks are always busy ever year, and this year is not exception, and this is a week I like to call birthday week. Where me and my two older sisters celebrate our birthdays within the same week, spooky don't you think?? (Insert Halloween pun) But yeah birthday week starts on my oldest sisters birthday, the 22nd of October, and ends the day after mine on the 28th. In this one week I have four days of school, two shifts in work, MULTIPLE meals planned/semi-planned for birthday celebrations, visit to and from many different relatives and a day trip to London. For my birthday, me and my group of friends have decided to have a day trip to London, to do a bit (LOT) of shopping, see some sights and have some memories and have an experience of something we haven't done before, being 17 and the fact that's its London, I think all of our mothers will be on pins that day... Also coming up is my half-term, Halloween and Bomb-fire Night. Bomb-fire night is one of my favourite celebrations, even thought I don't actually celebrate it on the actual date due to school, but I still LOVE IT!! 

Over the next few weeks I definitely want to update my wardrobe for a more Autumnal/Wintery feel. I want to expand my knitwear and shirt collection to expand my much loved style at the moment. I also want to revive my denim collection as my jeans don't really fit me any more from weight-lose, I definitely need a pair of grey super skinnies and a pair of light blue super skinnies. I would like to start wearing more hats, but with my current hair style, wearing a hat turns my head into an egg. Also I would like to delve into scarf's, a long, black and red chequered one is on my radar. I also need new shoes. I definitely need a wider variety from my pair of white Converses that I wear with pretty much everything. I'de like to get a nice pair of brown leather boots and a pair of comfortable high tops.

This years excitement for Autumn has been discovered for the very first time, and I have to say that I'm pretty exited. I also realise that this post went off on a little tangent, but I'm just in one of those moods. Make the most of it while it lasts Jack!!

Sunday, 20 October 2013


So seems as I have immensely busy these last two months with juggling
school and work, my blog as among other social networking/hobbies has been SERIOUSLY ignored, and as a result I did not have the time to right a 'Goodbye September' post, and to be fair I didn't really have anything to write about besides being back at school... So I've decided to do a little review of the months and some favourites as we transfer into the lovely Autumn climate throughout September & October! :) 

So what's been going on?

Pretty much all I can think of as to what I've been up to over the last 2 months is being back at school studying for my AS Levels in Sixth Form. The school year is currently going good, but I feel now that we are in Sixth Form with the higher privileges, plus from revising so hard for my GCSE Exams in the Summer, I still feel as though the academic year still hasn't kicked in and that my motivation for school work has completely diminished. Its not like there is nothing to do, I have PLENTY of work that needs doing, but I feel too relaxed about it all and am just not in a work mind-frame for some reason... Hmmmm strange...

Another things that's been going on is work. I'm really enjoying my little part time job as a Sales Assistant at Outfit. I love the feeling of being independent in terms of money and finances. I feel much more free in that aspect. But I do enjoy the job its self, I feel now after 2 months that I'm settling in and getting to know people quite well and building friendships. :)

Autumn Favourites so far??

I must say that as the night draw in, I become a real home bug. There is nothing more that I want to do than be cosy. I feel that I revert back into this person around this time of the year that just has different preferences. I like that the colder weather brings out the winter-wear of knitted cardigans, jumpers and coats, the cable-knit and  the fleece and cotton blankets getting pulled out to keep warm in the early mornings before school. The introduction of the different, cosy foods. Like warm cups of tea, cinnamon and ginger flavoured treats are a AUTUMN MUST!!!! They just make you feel all warm and happy inside. I also find that I go out more on random days out. I love the random meals here and there and the late night, after school trips to Cardiff just make me feel, just ahhhh. I also refer to Youtube as the temperatures decrease. I get really (extra) hooked on Sprinkle Of Glitter & Zoella's vlogs/seasonal videos. They are just so relaxed and cosy they just put me in such a better mood, and these kind of videos always come around at this time of year, AND I LOVE IT MUAHAHA!!! 

What's planned for the rest of Autumn??

Well the next 2-3 weeks are JAM PACKED!! I think that I might be doing at least one thing EVERYDAY. This time of year is ALWAYS busy for me. One things that's coming up is mine and my two older sisters birthdays (all in the same week) so we have plenty to celebrate. I am also going on a sneaky, cheap London trip/day with my friends for my birthday which I am super exited for!!! I also have school next week, half term the week after, work amongst them all of it and multiple meals to juggle in between all of that!! Also Halloween and Bomb-Fire Night are fast approaching, and these holidays/events really get me into the great seasonal mood and realise that Christmas is just around the corner!!! Okay... Inhale... Exhale...

That's all I have to say for this post, just a quick catch up to explain myself, say what's been going on and get back into the swing of blogging!! Autumn is such a great season, don't you agree? :)