
Wednesday, 17 July 2013


So a couple of weeks ago was my end of Year 11 Prom, I've been pretty busy since then and this is the only chance I've had to post. (Not the best beginning of a blog, oops...)

Me and my friends before we left :)

It was an amazing evening, it exceeded my expectations so much, it was nothing like I was expected and enjoyed myself so much more than I though that I would.

The place was decorated beautifully! It was held at the Heritage Park Hotel in the Rhondda, a ten minute drive away from my house. (That was a big plus for me).

The tables (Equipped with party poppers and disposable cameras.)

Our room! 

Everyone looked amazing and so sophisticated and mature in there suits and ball gowns.

Everyone enjoyed the night (as far as I am aware of), and it set a positive atmosphere from the start, and throughout the whole night. The DJ got everyone up on to the dance floor, playing the classing 'kids party songs' and 'Butlins anthems' like The Macarena and The Cha Cha Slide. (Well it got me up anyway and I had a blast!) 

We even had a CANDY CART! Full of sweets and chocolate!! Mmm:)

I truly appreciate my best friend Hannah and her mother, as they organised the true majority of the whole event. They organised everything perfectly, and the fact that everyone enjoyed was a major plus for them. 

Me and my friends had to thank them with a bouquet of flowers each, it was the least we could do!

And on top of that, she even won Prom Queen.

Here are a selected few of my favourite pictures from the night.

Me and my lovely mother, on the left. And me and one of my best
 friends Paige, on the right.

Me and another one of my best friends - Kate.

 Me and my best friend the PROM QUEEN - Hannah.

Me and another one of my best friends - Mollie.

Overall, I had a truly thrilling experience, and will never forget it! :)


  1. Looks like you had an amazing time!

  2. Sounds like you had a really good time!

    Check out my channel and maybe subscribe then I will subscribe for your channel x

    1. I did, thank you!!:) Sure I will give your channel a look at!:) x
