
Sunday, 15 September 2013


The last couple of weeks have been MANIC for me! I have literally not stopped!! Between going back to school, starting my first job and getting back into my exercise regime, I have had hardly any time to my self. I have been constantly on the go with little rest. 

Today is the only day over the last 2 weeks where I have had no plans, and that's only because I chose not to. I had plans but re-scheduled. I needed a break! 

I have neglected my blog, I have had so many blog idea's and half written blog posts but have simply not had the time to do them. I haven't even had the time to read my favourite blogs. So many things have been happening so fast that I haven't had time to do the things that I enjoy! I have a few blog posts that I have written today for me to post throughout the week.

I am completely grateful for the opportunities that have been put in front of me, but I sometimes take on more than I can handle, and I need to learn that I cannot do everything and must let something's go. 

I'm enjoying school. I'm enjoying work. I'm enjoying exercise. But I need to make more time for myself! :)


  1. Yes, it's always good to take time for yourself! Your need (& deserve it!)

    x leah symonne x

    1. Thank you, I really need to remember that sometimes!! :)
