
Wednesday, 28 August 2013


So last week (Thursday 22nd of August, 2013) was the long awaited day that I and many many others across the country received their GSCE results. In the UK, students of Year 11 (15-16 years of age) and sometimes Year 10 (14-15 year of age (depending on the school) take part in multiple examinations to determine the end grade they get for each GSCE course that they done over the last two years. Some people had more subjects than others and this varies in how many GCSE's each individual has. (Filling you in just in case someone was unsure).

So me personally have a total of 10 GCSE'S, 3 Level 2 BTEC's and 1 Level 2 NCFE. At my school there were 9 compulsory GCSE subjects, 2 compulsory BTEC subjects, and then students had a choice of 4 extra subjects from a wide range, which included GCSE's, BTEC's and NCFE's. I'm not going to post here what I had in EVERY EXAM, that would be existing, but my combined GCSE exam grades and GCSE course work determined what final GCSE grade I achieve.

These are the grades that I personally achieved;

GSCE Design & Technology - A*
GSCE Art & Design - A
GSCE English Literature - A
GSCE Information Technology - A
GSCE English Language - B
GSCE Welsh Literature - B
GSCE Religious Studies - B
GSCE Mathematics - C
GSCE Science (A)- C
GSCE Additional Science - C
GSCE Welsh Language - C

BTEC Business Studies - DISTINCTION* (Equivalence to 2 A*'s)
BTEC Home Cooking Skills - PASS (Equivalence to a C)
BTEC Money & Finance Skills - PASS

NCFE Animation - 18 Points (I just know that I passed)

I am SUPER HAPPY with my results, I didn't fail A SINGLE SUBJECT!!! Hard work really does pay off, I am going to blow my own trumpet but I studied so hard for these exams and really put all of my strength, energy and effort into them, and I am super happy with the outcome!! :D

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