
Tuesday, 24 September 2013


Screenshot of my Tumblr Blog currently.
EVERYONE has insecurities, and things that they hate about themselves. Things that people would possibly do anything to change these hates about themselves, and this can in, worse case scenario, become very serious problems. It can end up with people doing things to their body that aren't healthy in anyway. People can become obsessed with loosing weight, possibly leading to a eating disorder. People could result in self harm to try and "deal" with the pain. 

I am not a type of person who endorses in these things, and these sort of problems that people can end up with ARE NOT RIGHT. People make out that self harm is 'okay', that it's 'okay' to feel like that, but ITS NOT. People need to come to a realisation that these things are wrong, and must be fixed in anyway possible

And we find there is a lot of help out there in concern to self confidence, weight worries and help on self appearance and to make things better. But when you think of this, I assure most people think of girls. Teenage girls that have these confident issues and really do need help. Don't get me wrong, it's great that there are organisations out there to be dealing with this, but step back and think about boys. What help is there for boy with body issues? What help is out there for boys self-confidence? As I imagine, I would of thought not that much compared to girls. It's not heard of for boys to have body issues, but they do. Boys have just as much issues as do girls. Boys are surrounded by what's the 'perfect man' and I assure you every boy/man what's to be that definition of the perfect man, they are constantly surrounded by girls and other boys discussing what they want in a 'boyfriend' and how they portray what boys/men should look like. Boys are constantly surrounded by good looking men, with the perfect body, the perfect jawline, the perfect hair, the perfect skin, and this can be just as damaging for boys as it is for girls. People don't realise that boys need help to. People don't see the need do help boys with these problems because its 'not what a boy should act like'. Well what should a boy act like? Not all boys are the same. 

Body confidence issues are with EVERYONE. Everyone wants the perfect body. Everyone wants the perfect skin. Everyone has that image in their head of how they want to look, including myself. And having this obsession isn't healthy. We obsess over how we want to change ourself into the person we want to be, if that's personality or appearance. We are a generation that is obsessed with body image. It's unhealthy. But admit it, you can't help but stand in front of the mirror, holding parts of your self that you hate away so you can imagine what you could look like without them.   

I thought of this blog post by spending a while on Tumblr and seeing SO MANY 'perfect' looking people, and how that made me feel.


  1. Wonderful post...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

  2. This post is so strong and true. I really like how you bring up the boys and the fact that they probably (said since i'm a girl) have just as many issues as girls. As you wrote, we're a generation that is obsessed with body image and truth be told, society centered around 'the perfect man/woman' isn't really making the world easier for people with body issues.
    Main point, you write really good and I think it's probably the best post I have read in ages.


    1. I seriously can't thank you enough for your comment, it makes me feel like I am actually making some sense!! This comment really meant a lot to me and I am so thankful!!!:)
